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XenTorch is a module which has a goal of simplifying Neural Networks and AI development in Roblox. As you may have already noticed, XenTorch is a name derived from the Python module PyTorch.


This module has only been newly released. Therefore, there may be various bugs and errors and it is recommended to not completely rely on this and have a back-up, especially when dealing with big networks.

Useful Material For Beginners

Note: Square barackets are used in some places instead of curly barackets, this is done in order to prevent errors with the HTML.

Get Started

The following example is a demonstration of a neural network which will learn to predict an output based on the given training examples. For demonstration purposes, the training data has a rule associated with it. If the 2nd input is a 1 or a 0 the output should be {0, 0, 1} and {0, 0, 0} respectively. After training finishes, the last 4 lines of code will display what the network predicts, given 4 different data inputs, so you can see how it performs. Once you have the code ready, click ‘Run’ to start the training process.

Model Layout: 3 x 3/No bias -> ReLU -> 3 x 3/Bias -> Sigmoid | Total of 9 nodes

Optimizer: Algorithm used for training
lr: Learning Rate
termination: The threshold of error rate at which training ceases

local XenTorch = require(6784448015)

local Example_Network_1 = XenTorch.nn.Sequential({
	XenTorch.nn.Linear(3, 3, false),
	{Activation = {XenTorch.nn.ReLU, XenTorch.nn.Prime.ReLU}},
	XenTorch.nn.Linear(3, 3, true),
	{Activation = {XenTorch.nn.Sigmoid, XenTorch.nn.Prime.Sigmoid}}
}, {XenTorch.nn.Cost.MSE, XenTorch.nn.Prime.Cost.MSE})

local x_data = { {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 0}, {1, 1, 1} }
local y_data = { {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1} }

local train_set, test_set = XenTorch.Data.Separate(x_data, y_data, 1)

local x_train, y_train = table.unpack(train_set)
local x_test, y_test = table.unpack(test_set)

local lr = 1
local termination = 0.0015
local Optimizer = 'GD'

Example_Network_1 = XenTorch.Network.FitData(Example_Network_1, x_train, y_train, Optimizer, lr, x_test, y_test, termination)

print(XenTorch.Network.Run(Example_Network_1, {1, 0, 1}))
print(XenTorch.Network.Run(Example_Network_1, {0, 1, 0}))
print(XenTorch.Network.Run(Example_Network_1, {2, 0, 5}))
print(XenTorch.Network.Run(Example_Network_1, {0, 1, 3}))

Model Functions

XenTorch.nn.Sequential(model, cost_function)

Generates a new network.

Model format:

{mandatory: layer, optional: layer/activation, ...}

Layer format:


or you may use the following array format where the rows are input nodes and columns are the output nodes

3 x 2 Layer, no bias
{weights = { {w11, w12},
 	     {w21, w22},
 	     {w31, w32} },
bias = false}

1 x 3 Layer, with bias
{weights = { {w11, w12, w13} },
bias = {b1, b2, b3}}

Activation function format:

{Activation = {activation_function, activation_function_derivative} }

Cost function format

{cost_function, cost_function_derivative}

Mind the paranthesis syntax for the functions. Layers have them, activation and cost functions do not.

XenTorch.nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim, bias:false)

Creates a linear layer of dimensions input_dim * output_dim. If biasis set to true, all biases will be initialized to 0. Or if preferred, a number can be assigned as the inital biases. bias = false means the layer will not be assigned biases.


Makes functions that require a single input compatible with the network. You may use this with custom activation functions. However, if your function is dependent on the other nodes in the layer, like Softmax, then you would need to code it yourself to be compatible with layer inputs. Derivates of input nodes with respect to output nodes at different indices is currently not supported, but you may still use the derivatives of input nodes with respect to the output nodes at the same index.


Makes functions that require 2 inputs and return 1 output compatible with the network. Used for Cost functions where the first input is the prediction and the second is the correct label.

XenTorch.nn.ReLU(x), XenTorch.nn.Prime.ReLU(x)

Rectified Linear Unit activation function and its derivative.

XenTorch.nn.Sigmoid(x), XenTorch.nn.Prime.Sigmoid(x)

Sigmoid activation function and its derivative.

XenTorch.nn.Softmax(x), XenTorch.nn.Prime.Softmax(x)

Softmax activation function and its derivative. Please note, the Softmax derivative function currently does not take into account derivatives of input nodes with respect to output nodes at different indices, therefore training with Softmax may not be as fast, although it still works.

XenTorch.nn.Cost.MSE(y, y_hat), XenTorch.nn.Prime.Cost.MSE(y, y_hat)

Mean Squared Error function and its derivative.

Training Functions

XenTorch.Data.Separate(x_labels, y_labels, batch_size, ordered:false, validation:false)

Splits data into batch_size sized groups and returns training and test sets. If ordered is set to false, the data will be randomized. If validation is set to true, the function will also return a validation set.


Training:Test = 75:25
Training:Test:Validation = 70:15:15

XenTorch.Network.FitData(network, x_train, y_train, Optimizer, lr, x_test, y_test, termination, epoch_num)

Fits data into the network until termination point or epoch_num has been reached. Prints network error using the test set.


'GD': Gradient Descent
'SGD': Stochastic Gradient Descent

XenTorch.Network.BackPropagate(network, x_array, y_array, Optimizer, lr)

Runs an iteration of back propagation.

Saving & Loading Data

To access a network’s architecture, index it with .Model. From there, you can obtain layer data by simply indexing it with its number position. Cost function can be accessed by indexing the network with .Cost_f. To load a network from pre-defined data, you can either;

Genetic Crossover

XenTorch.Genetic.Binary(Parents: table, Weight_Selectiveness: string, Bias_Selectiveness: string)

Returns an offspring made up of features randomly selected from the parents.

Weight_Selectiveness: 'Layer', 'Neuron', 'Weight'
Bias_Selectiveness: 'Complete', 'Individual'

XenTorch.Genetic.Mean(Parents: table, Activation: boolean)

Returns an offspring made up the means of the parents’ features.

Activation: Set to true to select the most popular activation functions among parents.

XenTorch.Genetic.Mutate(offspring, probability: table, m_factor: number)

Mutates the specified offspring.

probability: {Layer_Mutation_Probability, Neuron_Mutation_Probability, Weight_Mutation_Probability, Bias_Mutation_Probability}
m_factor: Mutation factor used for mutating.